Periodontal disease is an infection in the tissues surrounding a person’s teeth. Although it is common in patients aged 30 and above, anyone can suffer from the disease. It is caused by a lack of proper dental hygiene, which leads to inflammation of the gums and jawbone. The infection takes place in stages. Therefore, they vary in symptoms and treatment or management options.
Prompt action is required when any symptoms of periodontal disease are detected. If untreated, gum disease leads to tooth loss or systemic problems in the body. This gum disease can be reversed if diagnosed and treated in its first stage. However, when it develops to others stages, it can only be managed for the rest of the patient’s life. Here is more on the stages of the disease.
This is the first and most common stage of gum disease. Gingivitis is a mild gum inflammation. It can be cured or reversed by a periodontist. Naturally, our mouths contain bacteria. After eating, some food particles are usually left in the mouth. The food debris combines with saliva and the oral bacteria to form a sticky film over the teeth known as plaque.
Plaque is cleared away by brushing and flossing correctly at least twice daily. When you do not maintain the proper oral hygiene, plaque hardens and builds up into calculus. It may form on the bottom of the teeth or under the gums. Once calculus attacks the gums, gingivitis occurs.
Symptoms of gingivitis include:
Treatment begins if any of the symptoms are detected. Deep dental cleaning and antibiotics are used to treat the infection. In addition, you can prevent gingivitis by practicing good oral hygiene. Attending regular exams and cleanings will also help.
The second stage of periodontal disease is initial periodontitis. Once you notice any of the signs and symptoms below, see your dentist immediately. The professional will decrease the risk of progression. Common signs and symptoms include:
The dentist performs a deep cleaning procedure to minimize the effects of initial periodontitis. It may involve root planing and scaling. Plaque and calculus are cleared from above and below your gum line. Any rough spots on your teeth that harbor plaque are smoothed to remove bacteria. Smoothing also provides a clean surface for proper gum and tooth reattachment.
The bacteria in this stage destroy your teeth’s support structures. Your mouth’s connective tissues and jawbone are damaged seriously damaged. The bacteria leak into your bloodstream and affect your immunity. It may lead to the development of systemic issues.
The symptoms of mild periodontitis include:
Periodontists treat this level of periodontal disease through several procedures. They may include periodontal surgery, bone grafts, and laser gum surgery. Teeth that cannot be saved are extracted. The dentist may replace it with dental implants, dentures, or dental bridges. You will require several dental visits to receive assistance in managing this condition.
Gum disease in this advanced stage can lead to total teeth loss, diabetes, or heart attack. In addition, the teeth’s supporting tissues become severely damaged. Signs and symptoms of progressive periodontitis are similar to those of mild periodontitis. However, they are more severe and accompanied by tooth loss.
Progressive periodontitis is managed with help from a gum specialist. Flap surgery, deep cleaning, laser gum surgery, and bone grafts are some treatments offered. Orthodontists and prosthodontists work together to stabilize the disease and restore lost teeth. You can still have your teeth function and smile back even in this stage.
In the early days of periodontal disease, the signs and symptoms are not easy to spot. As a result, the condition can develop without your knowledge. That is why you should schedule an appointment at Coral Pointe Dental & Orthodontics for regular dental exams and cleanings. If the dentist notices any signs of gum disease, proper and effective treatment or management is provided.