Dental sedation is a safe and effective way to go through your dental procedure without pain or discomfort. It’s also important to know that there are different types of sedation, including general anesthesia and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Still, most people will opt for an oral sedation option instead of dental anesthesia.
The main reason why people choose dental sedation is that it allows them access to their mouth without having any memory loss or hallucinations after the procedure has been completed.
There are four types of dental sedation, and our dentist in Gilbert, AZ, will choose the most suitable one based on the type of procedure to be done and your tolerance.
Inhaled dental sedation
Inhaled dental sedation is a form of sedation that is inhaled through the nose and into the lungs. It is a safe and comfortable way to help patients relax before dental treatments.
Inhaled dental sedation can be used for both children and adults.
Oral sedation
Oral sedation is a form of sedation that is administered through the mouth. It is used to help people relax and to feel less anxious about a dental procedure.
Oral sedation aims to make a person feel calm and relaxed. Sometimes, it can make them sleepy as well. Oral sedation can be given in pill form or liquid form. It can also be given as an injection if necessary.
Oral sedation may be recommended for difficulty controlling their gag reflex or are claustrophobic and cannot tolerate the feeling of being enclosed in the mouth area during dental procedures.
IV dental sedation
IV dental sedation is a type of sedation that is given intravenously. This type of sedation is used for anxious patients about dental procedures.
It has been suggested that IV sedation may be more effective than other forms of IV therapy because the patient does not have to inhale the medication, and it can be administered in a shorter time frame.
General anesthesia
This is the most invasive but also provides the most effective pain control. It involves putting you under general anesthesia and then giving you an intravenous (IV) injection to keep you unconscious while your dentist performs their work on your teeth. The side effects of this type of surgery can be serious, so you must talk with your Gilbert dentist about what risks exist before agreeing to have this procedure done.
After dental surgery, expect to feel dizzy, tired, and nauseous. You may also have a headache and difficulty focusing on tasks that require concentration or attention, such as driving home after your appointment. This feeling will usually pass after about an hour or two, but it can last longer if you still feel sleepy in the morning.
Don’t eat or drink anything until all effects of the sedation have worn off because you risk biting your tongue.
Dental sedation is safe and effective, but it can cause a few side effects:
These sedation dentistry side effects will clear with time, but visit a dental office near you if they persist and are severe.
It’s important to avoid acidic foods and spicy foods for 24 hours after dental sedation. This cannot be easy because many popular fast food items are high in acidity, but some alternatives may work better for you.
If you don’t want to eat something solid, consider eating soft foods like yogurt or applesauce during this period. Also, avoid hard or crunchy foods such as nuts or popcorn because they could cause discomfort in the mouth after your appointment has ended!
The best drink after dental surgery is water. It helps keep the mouth moist and prevents tooth decay. It is also vital to avoid carbonated drinks, hot drinks, alcohol, caffeine, acidic drinks or foods, and sugary drinks as they can lead to decay.
Visit Coral Pointe Dental & Orthodontics for more information about dental sedation and what to expect after the procedure.